Sunday, November 13, 2011

Post-mortem Reflection


Background – Distance Learning (EDUC 6135-3)

Overview of the project:

The most recent project that I was involved in was for my last Walden University course, Distance Learning (EDUC 6135-3).  Here was how the project was described per the course instructions: “For the Course Project, you will develop an online orientation for new distance learners who are enrolled in a distance learning course or training workshop. The project is cumulative, and you will work on specific elements each week.

This Course Project will serve three purposes. First, as an instructional designer, it will deepen your familiarity with the many nuances of preparing and developing a distance learning experience. Second, by looking at distance learning from the learner’s perspective, it will formulate a connection between the different methods used by distance learners to succeed and how to best design effective distance learning experiences for them. Lastly, it will allow you to develop skills using a course management system (CMS), which will be used to deliver your online orientation program.

Your online orientation program should present strategies for succeeding in a distance learning environment and should provide an overview of what to expect when taking a distance learning course compared to a traditional instructor-led course.”

I found the work on the project to be very rewarding for it asked me to develop my own personal knowledge and skills in this area in a creative way.  I was proud of the project deliverables due to the experience I gained in providing learning activities that incorporated technology and Web 2.0 tools.  We were asked to create 3 learning modules and each should show variety in how the content was delivered, I believe I accomplished that. 

Looking back, I believe starting the project sooner would have allowed me more time to explore various areas of the project more specifically.  For example, using the Schoology content management system, or CMS, took time to become familiarized with.  With further exploration I believe that I could have delivered content on the site in a more organized way and with more creative use of technology.

In the end, the results were very satisfying and purposeful because I can use them in the future as a teacher/instructional designer.  The design of the artifacts will allow me to enhance the current courses I teach and improve how I deliver instruction.

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